by Dawn March, Staff Writer
This month, SVC’s Women in Business Group is hosting a new and unique fundraiser: a Spray Tan Event. The event will be taking place on Wednesday, November 17 from 3PM to 8:30PM in Alcuin Hall.
The event is something that, as far as WIB Executive Board Fundraising Director Taylor Grabiak knows, has never been done before.
“Tanning is popular, especially for a special event like [Fall] Cotillion,” Grabiak explained. “[A Spray Tan Event] is unique and different. Since it is so close to Cotillion, people can have a nice tan that is safe and cost effective.” Grabiak also said the WIB Executive Board chose the specific date of the event since it was so close to Fall Cotillion, which would allow students to have a tan for the event.
WIB Executive Board President Brittany Billow has been a member of WIB for four years, and has served on the Executive Board twice. “After all this time, I must say this is our most unique fundraising event we have hosted,” Billow said.
Grabiak came up with the idea after having several spray tans herself. She said she has always been pleased with the results. Grabiak receives her airbrushed spray tans from Nikki Heller, a licensed esthetician and owner of Skin Design located in Scottdale, PA. Skin Design specializes in “Professional Skin Care Treatments.”
Grabiak explained that the WIB Spray Tan Event is “a fun, easy fundraiser for WIB” and that “hopefully [they could] generate interest for our club and raise money for [their] conference in February.” Grabiak explained that Heller normally charges $20 per spray tan. For the WIB fundraiser though, Heller is donating $10 from each spray tan towards WIB, making this an effective fundraiser for the club. All of the money raised throughout the year goes towards the club’s trip to New York City for the Annual Women in Business Conference held at Columbia University.
The WIB club is promoting the event with fliers, “reminder cards” passed out with Cotillion tickets, through SVC Today, Facebook, Twitter, and word of mouth.
“So tell all of your friends!” Grabiak said.
Grabiak believes that the Spray Tan Event will be a success, because “it is something new and different for people to try.” She also stated that both female and male students are welcome for this event.
“Guys, do something nice for your date and buy her a spray tan if you don’t want to get one,” Grabiak stated.
Grabiak hopes that if Heller is willing to work with WIB in the future, and if the event is successful, WIB would make the Spray Tan Event an annual event. She also says that if Heller would be able to work with Women in Business again in the spring, the club would possibly do the event again for Spring Cotillion.
To sign up for the event, students can email Grabiak, at by Sunday, November 14. Grabiak stresses that “the earlier you sign up, the more likely you are able to get your preferred time spot.”
The spray tans usually take 15-20 minutes, including tanning and drying time. Privacy tents will be set up for tanning and drying time. Individuals who decide to get a spray tan are advised to wear a dark colored bathing suit, preferably a strapless top, while being sprayed.
“We took our time talking through the logistics of the spray tan, and I have complete confidence that it will be private and well-done,” Billow explained. Darker, loose fitting clothes should also be worn after the spray tan to ensure clothes will not be stained while the tan is drying. Heller sprays individuals herself, instead of a spray tanning machine, to ensure an even tan. Heller’s website states that individuals will not “go orange or streaky with a spray tan.”
Grabiak stands by spray tanning, explaining it is a, “healthier, cheaper, and quicker alternative to tanning.” Grabiak encourages people to try a spray tan if they want a “healthy glow” for Cotillion.
Information for those signed up regarding the spray tans will be emailed out a few days in advance. Additional information on the spray tan process can be obtained by contacting Heller at (724) 309-2167, or by visiting
Grabiak added, “Please, book your appointment for a Spray Tan! They are wonderful! I have had 10 of them, and I am always pleased with the results. Come support Women in Business and have that healthy glow for Cotillion.”