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From Ukraine to Pennsylvania: Get to Know a Little Bit About Marta Trembetska and Anastasiia Umrysh

By Devin Bonine, Part-Time Staff Writer

A long awaited childhood dream finally came through for two close friends from Ukraine who wanted to travel to the United States. Meet Marta Trembetska, freshman marketing major and Anastasiia Umrysh, freshman graphic design major, from Lviv, Ukraine who took the leap in selecting Saint Vincent College as their place of study.

When asked why Trembetska and Umrysh chose the United States as their place to continue their academics, much emphasis was placed on freedom and opportunity in America.

(Attached in email; photo courtesy of Marta Trembetska) Marta Trembetska (left) and Anastasiia Umrysh (right) taking a selfie.

“I want my present self to be proud of my future self,” Trembetska says. She acknowledges that the academic learning that is taking place now will benefit her future self as a whole.

Long term goals were addressed both academically and outside of school, and the two have high hopes for themselves knowing that the hard work they are putting in the classroom now, as well as adapting to life in America, will positively pan out for years to come.

“I want to develop myself in all areas,” Umrysh says in response to a question about where she sees herself years later. She not only wants to be known as a good person but to grow both personally and intellectually.

Aside from school, the two like to spend free time in a variety of ways. “We like to visit campus events,” Trembetska says. The duo seem to be open to many school wide activities such as sports and club events. “If we have spare time and we know there is something going on… ok let’s go!” Trembetska concludes.

Trembetska and Umrysh both share the same enthusiasm when it comes to community events. From exploring Western Pennsylvania by means of hiking and sightseeing, to joining in on trips to downtown Pittsburgh, the two are in.

What is Ukrainian culture like?

“One word to describe would be vivid, it is colorful with a lot of singing and dancing,” Trembetska says. Umrysh similarly refers to Ukrainian culture by tying in the idea of unity and how their lifestyles are made of relationships with others through forms of group entertainment.

Representing Ukraine, Trembetska and Umrysh are two close friends taking on Pennsylvania and the United States with the help of Saint Vincent College to push toward student learning.


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Latrobe PA  15650-2690

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