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Senior class fundraises for campus charities

Students will have the opportunity to win an Apple Watch while giving back to others during SVC’s men’s basketball home games in February as a part of the class of 2018’s fundraiser.

Students can buy a $5 ticket or an “arm’s length” of tickets for $15 to be entered into a raffle. The winner of the raffle gets an opportunity to make a half-court basket.

If a student makes the shot, they can choose either an Apple Watch or the Microsoft Band. Anyone who attempts the shot will receive a $25 gift certificate.

The money from tickets sales is then donated to three in-house charities benefiting Saint Vincent students and members of the community. The charities selected include the Student Emergency Fund, Sports Friendship Day and the Banana Project.

The game on Wednesday, Feb. 7 raised money for the Student Emergency Fund, which aids Saint Vincent students after a crisis.

Luke Good, senior marketing major, is the senior class president and organizer of the fundraiser.

Good said that the first charity game was very successful.

“We raised almost $100 for the student emergency fund and students seemed to have a good time watching the shot,” Good said.

The ticket sales from the game on Feb. 14 will benefit Sports Friendship Day, an event funded by the Saint Vincent community.

Good hopes that the popularity of Sports Friendship Day will inspire students to donate and buy tickets for a chance to take the half-court shot.

“It’s a well-known day on campus that most people get involved with somehow. I think students would love to help the event in any way they can,” Good said.

The proceeds from the final game on Feb. 17 will benefit The Banana Project.

The Banana Project is a cause that seeks to create a nutritional program at the Francisco Coll Elementary School in Guatemala.

The project is special to many on campus, as Saint Vincent sends students and faculty to Guatemala each year on a service trip.

“It was really important for us to select charities that not only benefited students, but also a larger community outside of the Saint Vincent community,” Good said.

Good explained that the fundraiser was created after students voiced their opinions.

“The senior class is never required to complete a service project. However, many seniors said they wanted to do something beneficial during our last year,” Good said.

The senior class partnered with the Office of Alumni Relations to create the fundraiser.

According to Good, the partnership has been beneficial.

“The Office of Alumni Relations has been very helpful and generous and has donated the gift cards for students who do not make the shot. They also donated the Apple watches for those who do make it,” Good said.

Good feels there will be more ticket sales now that more students have heard of the fundraiser.

“We want to sell the raffle tickets during the common hour on Wednesday before the game. Being more visible on campus will help us get more students involved,” Good said.

The Student Government Association also sent an email to seniors on Feb. 5 to alert students of the event.

Good also mentioned that SGA asked students who are board members of the charities to help spread the word as well. Their goal is to get as many students involved as possible, so they can continue to collect contributions that help others.

Kevin Augustine, senior marketing major, attended the first game and bought tickets to benefit the Student Emergency Fund.

Though Augustine did not win the raffle and did not attempt the half-court shot, he appreciated the efforts of Good and the senior class.

“I didn’t win, but I think the fundraisers are a great idea. The charities they picked mean a lot to different people on campus,” Augustine said.

Students who are interested in participating in the fundraiser can do so through direct donations or by purchasing raffle tickets to attempt the half-court shot at the next game.

Photo: SVC Flickr

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